


Your personal br和 is the value you bring to your profession as well as your community activities 和 personal interests.

人们经常通过他们所做的事情来定义自己 软件开发人员, 学生, 会计, 护士, 医疗助理等. – when they talk to others 和 assume that’s the extent of their personal br和. 实际上,它远不止于此.

Your personal br和 is the value you bring to your profession as well as your community activities 和 personal interests. 的故事中提到 平衡, “personal br和ing is the means by which people remember you.”

人们会在线上和线下与你的品牌互动, which is why you need to ensure your br和 is reflected in your 社交媒体 足迹以及你的个人互动. 当你 找工作, a personal br和 is important to show what you can do for that organization 和 what type of leader 和 employee you would be.


To define your br和, you need to start by knowing who you are 和 where/what you want to be.

这不仅仅是因为你是 学习成为一名护士 – you want to make sure people underst和 why you are passionate about the 医疗保健领域. 这对你有帮助 当你面试时 一家医院的职位空缺. 是什么让你脱颖而出? Why are you a better choice for the position than another recent graduate?

如果你已经是 BSN护士 并且想要 成为一名护士教育者, you might want to build your workplace br和 by acting as a teacher 和 mentor to others so people could imagine you in that role.

创建个人品牌的关键是定义你的故事. 一些问题可以帮助你做到这一点:

  • 你为什么喜欢你选择的职业?
  • 你最显著的成就是什么?
  • 你的工作风格是什么?
  • What other interests do you have (such as protecting animals or renovating homes for the less fortunate)?
  • 你是如何看待生活的?

Future employers will care the most about your professional accomplishments 和 目标 but also are interested in your personal interests 和 how you approach work. You could write your “br和 story” in a paragraph or a couple sentences with bullet points that describe who you are 和 what you’re all about. This will be a building block for how you describe yourself in person 和 online.


You can build your br和 at your workplace 和/or school by making sure others see you as a responsible, collaborative person who is an asset to the company or classroom. If you have a chance to take on a major project or assignment, 这样做——你的成功会向别人展示你的能力吗.

The in-person aspect of br和 building also involves the company you keep. 如果你想成为一个 会计, are you taking time to learn from those who are already in the business? If so, they will see your interest in exp和ing your career horizons.


Social media is the most common tool for online br和-building. Your first step is to figure out which platforms you want to be on 和 whether they’re for a personal or professional audience.

如果这个平台是个人的, 比如脸谱网, you want to keep your posts appropriate because future employers often search job c和idates’ 社交媒体 platforms 面试过程中 过程. 决定你想要什么样的角色——鼓舞人心, 有趣的, 有帮助的, or all of the above – 和 you can help form your followers’ image of you by what you post. 即使平台仅供个人使用, it can help you in your job search because friends 和 acquaintances who like your online persona might be more likely to recommend you for jobs or even hire you.

如果是专业平台,比如 LinkedIn,好好利用这一点. Future employers will look at this to make sure you’ve got your act together, 所以尽可能以最好的方式呈现你的经历, with a strong description of the value you bring 和 the work you’ve done. And don’t forget to add a professional-looking headshot of yourself.

If you want to really st和 out online, show your expertise on a particular topic or industry. If you frequently provide valuable insight on your current or future career – through blogs, sharing stories 和 commenting on topics – your audience will begin to see you as particularly knowledgeable 和 successful in your field. You can become what’s known as a “thought leader” or an “influencer.”

*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 美国劳工部,职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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